5 Ways to Exercises without a “Workout”
By Guest Author: Kim Lyons
It may be fall, but it's never a good time to fall into a rut. This year has been an emotional rollercoaster for the entire world, to say the least. However, I'm NOT going to let it kick my butt! Instead of wishing the year away, or waiting for the new year to get started on your fitness journey, let's go out with a bang by feeling amazing through the fall and into the holiday season.
As a fitness professional, never in a million years did I expect to see all gyms, parks, recreation centers, team sports, and many other activities come to a screeching halt. The irony is that the country is shut down due to a health crisis, yet these are the activities that keep us healthy, physically and mentally.
It goes without dispute that exercise improves our mental and physical wellbeing. But getting in a “daily” workout isn't always easy when things are topsy-turvy. Not only have I heard every excuse in the book, but I've also probably been guilty of using them in the last few months! We are all human, fitness experts included! That's why I'm sharing my top 5 tips to keep you in shape when you miss your scheduled “workout.”
Quite honestly, the daily habits that I've formed over the years truly saved me from putting on the pounds while spending way too much time at home. The key is not to underestimate how much exercise you can get in a day by adding more movement to your daily routine.
Instead of trying to fit in a workout, fit mini workouts into your daily routine. The possibilities are endless. Write them down, stick them on Post-It notes, and force yourself to stick with it for the entire month of October. You'll be surprised how quickly you become a fan of your new “workout” routine. Here are just a few ideas to get your wheels turning.

1. Coffee or Tea Brewing?
Waiting for water to boil or the microwave to count down? Mindlessly watching the coffee brew or dunking your tea bag? Fit in a few sets of squats. Squats will get your blood pumping and work all the lower body muscles. It's the perfect exercise morning, noon, and night. If you need a little assistance, the counter is right there to help you balance. Add variety by doing regular squats or point the toes outward to do a sumo squat.

2. Brush for Better Booty
Brushing your teeth is the perfect time to do some glute lifts to the back. Dentists recommended brushing your teeth for 2 minutes, twice a day. If you do one glute lift per second, that's 120 glute lifts per day on EACH side. That's 1680 total glute lifts a week. You better believe that will perk up your buns!
3. Walk and Talk
Schedule a walk and talk social hour. Fall is my favorite time to go for walks. We all have friends or family members that we tend to chat with forever on the phone. My mom and I talked for an hour and 20 minutes the other day. That's a heck of a lot longer than I had planned on walking, and not only did it feel amazing, I loved that I got to catch up with my mom while giving her my undivided attention! It is a perfect way to get in more steps and have social time to boost our mood. Make it extraspecial: do a group call. It's easy to do with 3-way calling, and you'll have plenty of accountability buddies. Be sure to purchase a good set of headphones to allow for proper posture and to have your arms free to swing naturally.
4. TV Time?
Make it your time to stretch or do some core exercises. One of my favorite combos is to anchor my hands under the couch and do 10-15 leg lifts. In between sets, I bend my legs and let my knees drop, alternating sides, for a perfect lower back and glute stretch.

5. Push for Consistency
Not very many people like pushups, but they are great for strengthening your entire body. Try doing them on an incline such as the edge of the coffee table. Keep your core tight, tuck your glutes, and squeeze your quads as you do the movement. You can start up against the wall if you need to. The key is to stay consistent and practice them daily.
If you are not sleeping well, feeling like you need a little boost in your mood, lack energy, or looking to lose body fat and tone up, consider boosting your hgh levels with SeroVital* . hGH has been associated with a number of benefits including improved mood, energy, and better sleep. Your issues can be due to the natural decline in our hGH, or human growth hormone, levels as you age. To learn more about the benefits of SeroVital and how it can help on your fitness journey, click here.
Let's not wait to “fall” into a good routine. Make it happen. Start today. I promise you won't regret it!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.