Inspiring Women: Kelley McCoy

By Guest Author: Kelley McCoy

You need a tribe of women around you who are endlessly devoted to helping you succeed. There’s power in that.” ~ Ann Shoket

The best age

I’m probably like you in many ways. A 50-plus woman, who has spent more than half of my life as a wife raising two amazing kids and working at a career that I loved but unfortunately was very stressful. After spending over 15 years in the interior design world and with my children grown, I decided I wanted to try something new despite my age!

Kelley McCoy

The best age is the one you have now. It is in this moment when you have the best opportunities to be who you really want to be.

This is something that my mother taught me. It’s what helped me make the leap of faith to live one of my lifelong dreams of sharing my love of fashion: it's how 50 Shades of Style was born!

Yes, I am 50-something and just started blogging, and let me tell you I don’t regret one minute of it! After launching in April of 2019, I couldn’t believe that by September of that year I was attending my first New York Fashion Week. Sometimes I stop and pinch myself to see if it’s real … Here I am at 50-something chasing my dreams!


Kelley McCoy

My inspiration

I learned to just “go for it” from my mother. It has been 10 years since I lost my mom. I miss her every single day. She was everything to me, from my biggest cheerleader to my first fashion icon, but above all she was my biggest inspiration in how to live a life pursuing your passion. She inspired me in faith, family, and what it means to work hard.

My mother Paula Hawkins was and still is the only woman elected to the U.S Senate from Florida. She championed equal opportunities for women. She was also instrumental in passing the Missing Children’s Act of 1982, which established a national clearinghouse for information about missing children. Her legacy is one of a champion of children and working mothers. I am beyond proud and blessed I had her as my mom.

I remember as a little girl sitting in her bedroom, watching her get dressed before an event and how elegant she looked walking out the door. I love when I can wear something of my mom’s. This was her blouse that has to be at least 30 years old. I gave it a fun current spin with my accessories. Being able to wear her pieces makes me feel so close to her.

Kelley McCoy

My mom taught me a lot, and I want to share my love of fashion and so much more! Being not one for politics, I left that to my mom, I did learn from the best what it means to raise up and support other women.

A meaningful mission

My #1 goal is to create a space where I could inspire women my age to toss out the rules of “fashion” and embrace themselves and learn that fashion is both fun and ageless! My favorite thing is helping other women find confidence through fashion. I want to help women not buy into stereotypes and labels that often come with age.

In the process and in this space, it has given me is SO MUCH MORE than I ever thought possible. I now have more friends who mean the world to me from all over the world. Women who inspire me on a daily basis. Women who encourage and empower each other, women who tell you they are praying for you, women who send me messages that mean more than they could ever know. I have loved growing this space, and I am excited to keep it a place where women can celebrate growing older and wiser together and in style! If you want to join me and this amazing community of women, come along! I’ll introduce you over at @50ShadesOfStyleByKelley on Instagram. XO, Kelley