Seven Resolutions for Success
By Kim Lyons
January 1st isn’t necessarily the best time to set goals and make resolutions. You know what time is best? Any time you’re ready.
I never start my New Year’s resolutions in January. In fact, I usually tell my clients to take January off and be ready to hit it hard in February. Not your typical advice from a fitness coach, but let me explain why this works so well.
According to a CBS News poll, only 29% of Americans say they will be making New Year’s resolutions in 2022, down from 43% a year ago. It’s clear that people are discouraged when it comes to reaching their New Year goals.
The holiday season is nuts and leaves us all a bit exhausted heading into the new year’s madness. This is a nightmare set-up for success. Instead, take time to regroup, focus on self-care, and set a clear-minded plan of action. Think of it as sharpening the ax before cutting down the tree. You have all year to develop and hit your goals, so take time to set yourself up for success.
When it comes to a healthy mindset, your goals, intentions, and actions have to be in sync. Read that again: your goals, intentions, and actions have to be in sync. For example, if your goal is to have a positive mindset and lose a few pounds, you cannot get up, think negatively about your reflection in the mirror, and stop for your favorite sugar-filled coffee drink on the way to work.
Instead, you have to make a conscious effort to find the beauty in your amazing body, cheer yourself on, and make time for a healthy first meal of the day.
Regardless of your goal, you must back it with your intentions and actions. I’ve included seven of my favorite action steps to help you get started on your journey to a successful 2022.

1. Establish a Morning Routine
How you start your morning sets the tone for the entire day. A jolt from an alarm clock followed by a frantic rush to get out the door while shoving a bagel down your throat is not going to set you up for success!
Mornings can be your time of peace, and a time you look forward to each day. Wake up with the sunrise and take time to do what you love, whether it’s a quick workout, stretch, walk, or journaling with a cup of tea while you take deep breaths and give yourself a pep talk to help you prepare if you have a stressful day ahead.
Two things you CANNOT skip in the morning are sunlight and hydration. Both are critical for your health, so add them to your list of resolutions. Making them happen can be as simple as sitting next to a window and drinking a big glass of water.
2. Define Your Bedtime Routine
Your successful morning starts with success the night before. A consistent nighttime routine is something that will change your life. Those are strong words, and I mean it! If you don’t establish a healthy nighttime routine, you will be in a constant state of struggle. It’s truly that important.
Your circadian rhythm is powerful, and sleep is critical for your health. Your body is confused by constant blue light in the form of computers, TVs, phones, and bright lights in your home. It’s best to establish a solid nighttime routine by winding down without digital distractions. A cup of tea, a hot bath, a relaxing skincare routine, reading, journaling, turning the lights down low, setting out your clothes for the morning, or prepping a snack or lunch for the next day can help you slow down and get you in a proper state of mind for sleeping. And, of course, consistency is the secret sauce to success. Nothing will work if you don’t stick to it! Practice making this a priority!
3. Declutter Everything
Nothing clears your mind more than an open, clean space. Declutter your fridge, your pantry, your drawers, your nightstand, your bathroom counters, your car, your desk, and everything in-between.
If this sounds overwhelming, remember that you don’t have to do it all at once. Start by tossing out old containers. Then clean your makeup brushes. Spend 20 minutes organizing your workout area. Choose one thing each day to tackle! Spending time on organization can free up time during the day to spend on self-care.
4. Detach from Toxic Negativity
Negativity is everywhere, but so is positivity. You choose where you put your energy, who you surround yourself with, and what you see in the world around you. Make an effort to surround yourself with good news, turn off the negative news, and spread cheer everywhere you go.
Give compliments to people, whether it’s when you’re checking out at the grocery store or as you walk by a stranger on the street. Take time to tune out the digital world and connect with nature. Breathe, smell the flowers, and feel the sunshine on your face. It will leave you feeling amazing. Positivity will impact your body in a loving way. This could end up being one of your favorite resolutions!

5. Sweat
Exercise and sweating are important to boost circulation, increase respiration, and keep energy moving through your body. Regular exercise can also protect against inflammation to keep your body’s detox system functioning properly. Get out and sweat every day, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. Your body is made to move, and it needs your help to do it.
6. Support with Supplements
The right supplements—preferably food-based, with clinically researched ingredients and without chemical fillers—can support your body. Don’t overdo it: overloading your system with handfuls of pills is pricey, complicated, and a burden on your liver. The key is to look for high-quality supplements that focus on the things you need the most.

Supplementing with super greens can help alkalize, oxygenate, and detoxify your body. Probiotics support gut health. SeroVital can help increase the powerful “youth hormone,” hGH. hGH is associated with improving sleep, reducing body fat, increasing lean muscle, and so much more. I like to think of it as a powerful multi-tasker!
7. Ditch the Number Goal
Success is NOT a number on the scale. Rethink defining your health goals and resolutions with a silly number that shows you absolutely nothing. Success is feeling good, having energy, being confident and proud, and knowing you are doing the best you can. It’s not practical or reasonable to constantly be in a state of weight loss. Ditch the processed diet foods and stick to whole foods. If you love the numbers and just can’t help yourself, invest in a quality smart scale that will show you your full-body composition.
Self-care and change take time and practice. It might feel selfish, weird, or just silly at first to focus on yourself and your goals. You’re not going to form the perfect morning and nighttime routines in a day or declutter your whole house in an hour. It might take a few months to establish a good “sweat” routine. It will be a constant juggling act, but the goal is to stay on track as much as possible, and to find ways to get back on track when life throws you off.
Start today with simple things like turning off the news, cleaning off your nightstand, sipping a cup of tea in the morning or evening, and setting out your supplements so you remember to be consistent. No matter what time of year it is, dialing in your resolutions and making a few positive changes can set you up for success!